This summary of IFRS 9 consist of the following 5 summarized flowcharts:

  1. IFRS-9 (Part-1 classification and recognition)
  2. IFRS-9 (Part-2 Impairment)
  3. IFRS-9 (Part-3 Derecognition of Financial Asset)
  4. IFRS-9 (Part-4 Modification and derecognition of Financial Liability)
  5. IFRS-9 (Part-5 Hedging)

That’s it! 5 simple Summary series of IFRS 9: Financial Instruments using a flowchart concept. I hope this makes understanding asset impairment a little bit easier for you

Download These FlowCharts in PDF

Note: This is only the summary of IFRS-9: Financial Instruments. Referring to the complete original IFRS is recommended for better decision-making, as everything out there is in full detail. If you want to read the original IFRS-9: Financial Instruments, you may read it here.

Picture of Muzammil Hussain Korai

Muzammil Hussain Korai

Muzammil Korai is a Chartered Accountant (CA) Finalist. He has years of experience in Accounting, Audit and Finance. Currently, he is working as a Senior Accounting and Finance Professional in a well known organization in Saudi Arabia.

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